World Messianic Bible British Edition

Jeremiah 7:26-30 World Messianic Bible British Edition (WMBBE)

26. Yet they didn’t listen to me or incline their ear, but made their neck stiff. They did worse than their fathers.

27. “You shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall also call to them, but they will not answer you.

28. You shall tell them, ‘This is the nation that has not listened to the Lord their God’s voice, nor received instruction. Truth has perished, and is cut off from their mouth.’

29. Cut off your hair, and throw it away, and take up a lamentation on the bare heights; for the Lord has rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath.

30. “For the children of Judah have done that which is evil in my sight,” says the Lord. “They have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to defile it.