World Messianic Bible British Edition

Acts 5:12-19 World Messianic Bible British Edition (WMBBE)

12. By the hands of the emissaries many signs and wonders were done amongst the people. They were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch.

13. None of the rest dared to join them, however the people honoured them.

14. More believers were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women.

15. They even carried out the sick into the streets, and laid them on cots and mattresses, so that as Peter came by, at the least his shadow might overshadow some of them.

16. The multitude also came together from the cities around Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits: and they were all healed.

17. But the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him (which is the sect of the Sadducees), and they were filled with jealousy

18. and laid hands on the emissaries, then put them in public custody.

19. But an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors by night, and brought them out and said,