World English Bible

Wisdom Of Solomon 4:7-15 World English Bible (WEB)

7. But a righteous man, though he die before his time, shall be at rest.

8. (For honorable old age is not that which stands in length of time, Nor is its measure given by number of years:

9. But understanding is gray hairs to men, And an unspotted life is ripe old age.)

10. Being found well-pleasing to God he was beloved of him, And while living among sinners he was translated:

11. He was caught away, lest wickedness should change his understanding, Or guile deceive his soul.

12. (For the bewitching of naughtiness bedimmeth the things which are good, And the giddy whirl of desire perverteth an innocent mind.)

13. Being made perfect in a little while, he fulfilled long years;

14. For his soul was pleasing to the Lord: Therefore hasted he out of the midst of wickedness.

15. But as for the peoples, seeing and understanding not, Neither laying this to heart, That grace and mercy are with his chosen, And that he visiteth his holy ones:—