World English Bible

Wisdom Of Solomon 11:1-9 World English Bible (WEB)

1. She prospered their works in the hand of a holy prophet.

2. They journeyed through a desert without inhabitant, And in trackless regions they pitched their tents.

3. They withstood enemies, and repelled foes.

4. They thirsted, and they called upon you, And there was given them water out of the flinty rock, And healing of their thirst out of the hard stone.

5. For by what things their foes were punished, By these they in their need were benefited.

6. When the enemy were troubled with clotted blood instead of a river’s ever-flowing fountain,

7. To rebuke the decree for the slaying of babes, You gave them abundant water beyond all hope,

8. Having shewn them by the thirst which they had suffered how you did punish the adversaries.

9. For when they were tried, albeit but in mercy chastened, They learned how the ungodly were tormented, being judged with wrath: