World English Bible

Judith 7:1-4 World English Bible (WEB)

1. But the next day Holofernes gave command to all his army, and to all his people which were come to be his allies, that they should remove their camp toward Bethulia, and take beforehand the ascents of the hill country, and make war against the children of Israel.

2. And every mighty man of them removed that day, and the host of their men of war was a hundred and seventy thousand footmen, and twelve thousand horsemen, beside the baggage, and the men that were afoot among them, an exceeding great multitude.

3. And they encamped in the valley near to Bethulia, by the fountain, and they spread themselves in breadth over Dothaim even to Belmaim, and in length from Bethulia to Cyamon, which is over against Esdraelon.

4. But the children of Israel, when they saw the multitude of them, were troubled exceedingly, and said every one to his neighbor, Now shall these men lick up the face of all the earth; and neither the high mountains, nor the valleys, nor the hills, shall be able to bear their weight.