World English Bible

Judith 16:6-16 World English Bible (WEB)

6. The Almighty Lord brought them to nothing by the hand of a woman.

7. For their mighty one did not fall by young men, Neither did sons of the Titans strike him. Nor did high giants set upon him: But Judith the daughter of Merari made him weak with the beauty of her countenance.

8. For she put off the apparel of her widowhood For the exaltation of those that were distressed in Israel, She anointed her face with ointment, And bound her hair in a tire, And took a linen garment to deceive him.

9. Her sandal ravished his eye, And her beauty took his soul prisoner: The scimitar passed through his neck.

10. The Persians quaked at her daring, And the Medes were daunted at her boldness.

11. Then my lowly ones shouted aloud, And my weak ones were terrified and crouched for fear: They lifted up their voice, and they were turned to flight.

12. The sons of damsels pierced them through, And wounded them as runagates’ children; They perished by the battle of my Lord.

13. I will sing to my God a new song: O Lord, you are great and glorious, Marvelous in strength, invincible.

14. Let all your creation serve you: For you spoke, and they were made, You did send forth your spirit, and it builded them, And there is none that shall resist your voice.

15. For the mountains shall be moved from their foundations with the waters, And the rocks shall melt as wax at your presence: But you are yet merciful to them that fear you.

16. For all sacrifice is little for a sweet savor, And all the fat is very little for a whole burnt offering to you: But he that fears the Lord is great continually.