World English Bible

Judith 16:21-25 World English Bible (WEB)

21. But after these days every one departed to his own inheritance, and Judith went away to Bethulia, and remained in her own possession, and was honorable in her time in all the land.

22. And many desired her, and no man knew her all the days of her life, from the day that Manasses her husband died and was gathered to his people.

23. And she increased in greatness exceedingly; and she waxed old in her husband’s house, to a hundred and five years, and let her maid go free: and she died in Bethulia; and they buried her in the cave of her husband Manasses.

24. And the house of Israel mourned for her seven days: and she distributed her goods before she died to all them that were nearest of kin to Manasses her husband, and to them that were nearest of her own kindred.

25. And there was none that made the children of Israel any more afraid in the days of Judith, nor a long time after her death.