World English Bible

Joel 2:4-18 World English Bible (WEB)

4. Their appearance is as the appearance of horses, and as horsemen, so do they run.

5. Like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains do they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array.

6. At their presence the peoples are in anguish. All faces have grown pale.

7. They run like mighty men. They climb the wall like warriors. They each march in his line, and they don’t swerve off course.

8. Neither does one jostle another; they march everyone in his path, and they burst through the defenses, and don’t break ranks.

9. They rush on the city. They run on the wall. They climb up into the houses. They enter in at the windows like thieves.

10. The earth quakes before them. The heavens tremble. The sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining.

11. Yahweh thunders his voice before his army; for his forces are very great; for he is strong who obeys his command; for the day of Yahweh is great and very awesome, and who can endure it?

12. “Yet even now,” says Yahweh, “turn to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning.”

13. Tear your heart, and not your garments, and turn to Yahweh, your God; for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness, and relents from sending calamity.

14. Who knows? He may turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind him, even a meal offering and a drink offering to Yahweh, your God.

15. Blow the trumpet in Zion! Sanctify a fast. Call a solemn assembly.

16. Gather the people. Sanctify the assembly. Assemble the elders. Gather the children, and those who nurse from breasts. Let the bridegroom go out of his room, and the bride out of her room.

17. Let the priests, the ministers of Yahweh, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, “Spare your people, Yahweh, and don’t give your heritage to reproach, that the nations should rule over them. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’”

18. Then Yahweh was jealous for his land, And had pity on his people.