World English Bible

3 Maccabees 1:10-22 World English Bible (WEB)

10. he was so struck with the magnificence of the place, and so wondered at the orderly arrangements of the temple, that he considered entering the sanctuary itself.

11. And when they told him that this was not permissible, none of the nation, no, nor even the priests in general, but only the supreme high priest of all, and he only once in a year, being allowed to go in, he would by no means give way.

12. Then they read the law to him; but he persisted in obtruding himself, exclaiming, that he ought to be allowed: and saying Be it that they were deprived of this honor, I ought not to be.

13. And he put the question, Why, when he entered all the temples, none of the priests who were present forbad him?

14. He was thoroughly answered by some one, That he did wrong to boast of this.

15. Well; since I have done this, said he, be the cause what it may, shall I not enter with or without your consent?

16. And when the priests fell down in their sacred vestments imploring the Greatest God to come and help in time of need, and to avert the violence of the fierce aggressor, and when they filled the temple with lamentations and tears,

17. then those who had been left behind in the city were scared, and rushed forth, uncertain of the event.

18. Virgins, who had been shut up within their chambers, came out with their mothers, scattering dust and ashes on their heads, and filling the streets with outcries.

19. Women, but recently separated off, left their bridal chambers, left the reserve that befitted them, and ran about the city in a disorderly manner.

20. New-born babes were deserted by the mothers or nurses who waited upon them; some here, some there, in houses, or in fields; these now, with an ardour which could not be checked, swarmed into the Most High temple.

21. Various were the prayers offered up by those who assembled in this place, on account of the unholy attempt of the king.

22. Along with these there were some of the citizens who took courage, and would not submit to his obstinacy, and his intention of carrying out his purpose.