World English Bible

1 Maccabees 10:32-42 World English Bible (WEB)

32. I yield up also my authority over the citadel which is at Jerusalem, and give it to the high priest, that he may appoint in it such men as he shall choose to keep it.

33. And every soul of the Jews, that has been carried captive from the land of Judah into any part of my kingdom, I set at liberty without price; and let all remit the tributes of their cattle also.

34. And all the feasts, and the Sabbaths, and new moons, and appointed days, and three days before a feast, and three days after a feast, let them all be days of immunity and release for all the Jews that are in my kingdom.

35. And no man shall have authority to exact from any of them, or to trouble them concerning any matter.

36. And let there be enrolled among the king’s forces about thirty thousand men of the Jews, and pay shall be given to them, as belongs to all the king’s forces.

37. And of them some shall be placed in the king’s great strongholds, and some of them shall be placed over the affairs of the kingdom, which are of trust: and let those that are over them, and their rulers, be of themselves, and let them walk after their own laws, even as the king has commanded in the land of Judah.

38. And the three governments that have been added to Judaea from the country of Samaria, let them be added to Judaea, that they may be reckoned to be under one, that they may not obey other authority than the high priest’s.

39. As for Ptolemais, and the land pertaining thereto, I have given it as a gift to the sanctuary that is at Jerusalem, for the expenses that befit the sanctuary.

40. And I give every year fifteen thousand shekels of silver from the king’s revenues from the places that are convenient.

41. And all the overplus, which they that manage the king’s affairs paid not in as in the first years, they shall give from henceforth toward the works of the house.

42. And beside this, the five thousand shekels of silver, which they received from the uses of the sanctuary from the revenue year by year, this also is released, because it appertains to the priests that minister.