World English Bible

1 Maccabees 10:12-31 World English Bible (WEB)

12. And the strangers, that were in the strongholds which Bacchides had built, fled away;

13. and each man left his place, and departed into his own land.

14. Only at Bethsura were there left certain of those that had forsaken the law and the commandments; for it was a place of refuge to them.

15. And king Alexander heard all the promises which Demetrius had sent to Jonathan: and they told him of the battles and the valiant deeds which he and his brethren had done, and of the toils which they had endured;

16. And he said, Shall we find such another man? and now we will make him our Friend and confederate.

17. And he wrote letters, and sent them to him, according to these words, saying,

18. King Alexander to his brother Jonathan, greeting:

19. We have heard of you, that you are a mighty man of valour, and meet to be our Friend.

20. And now we have appointed you this day to be high priest of your nation, and to be called the king’s Friend (and he sent to him a purple robe and a crown of gold), and to take our part, and to keep friendship with us.

21. And Jonathan put on the holy garments in the seventh month of the hundred and sixties year, at the feast of tabernacles, and he gathered together forces, and provided arms in abundance.

22. And Demetrius heard these things, and he was grieved, and said,

23. What is this that we have done, that Alexander has been beforehand with us in establishing friendship with the Jews, to strengthen himself?

24. I also will write to them words of encouragement and of honor and of gifts, that they may be with me to aid me.

25. And he sent to them according to these words: King Demetrius to the nation of the Jews, greeting:

26. Forasmuch as you⌃ have kept your covenants with us, and continued in our friendship, and have not joined yourselves to our enemies, we have heard hereof, and are glad.

27. And now continue you⌃ still to keep faith with us, and we will recompense to you good things in return for your dealings with us,

28. and will grant you many immunities, and give you gifts.

29. And now do I free you, and release all the Jews, from the tributes, and from the customs of salt, and from the crowns.

30. And instead of the third part of the seed, and instead of the half of the fruit of the trees, which falls to me to receive, I release it from this day and henceforth, so that I will not take it from the land of Judah, and from the three governments which are added thereto from the country of Samaria and Galilee, from this day forth and for all time.

31. And let Jerusalem be holy and free, and her borders; the tenths and the tolls also.