World English Bible

1 Esdras 8:19-33 World English Bible (WEB)

19. And I king Artaxerxes have also commanded the keepers of the treasures in Syria and Phoenicia, that whatever Esdras the priest and reader of the law of the Most High God shall send for, they should give it him with all diligence,

20. to the sum of a hundred talents of silver, likewise also of wheat even to a hundred measures, and a hundred firkins of wine, and salt in abundance.

21. Let all things be performed after the law of God diligently to the most high God, that wrath come not upon the kingdom of the king and his sons.

22. I command you also, that no tax, nor any other imposition, be laid upon any of the priests, or Levites, or holy singers, or porters, or temple servants, or any that have employment in this temple, and that no man have authority to impose anything upon them.

23. And you, Esdras, according to the wisdom of God ordain judges and justices, that they may judge in all Syria and Phoenicia all those that know the law of your God; and those that know it not you shall teach.

24. And whoever shall transgress the law of your God, and of the king, shall be punished diligently, whether it be by death, or other punishment, by penalty of money, or by imprisonment.

25. Then said Esdras the scribe, Blessed be the only Lord, the God of my fathers, who has put these things into the heart of the king, to glorify his house that is in Jerusalem:

26. and has honored me in the sight of the king, and his counselors, and all his friends and nobles.

27. Therefore was I encouraged by the help of the Lord my God, and gathered together out of Israel men to go up with me.

28. And these are the chief according to their families and the several divisions thereof, that went up with me from Babylon in the reign of king Artaxerxes:

29. of the sons of Phinees, Gerson: of the sons of Ithamar, Gamael: of the sons of David, Attus the son of Sechenias:

30. of the sons of Phoros, Zacharais; and with him were counted a hundred and fifty men:

31. of the sons of Phaath Moab, Eliaonias the son of Zaraias, and with him two hundred men:

32. of the sons of Zathoes, Sechenias the son of Jezelus, and with him three hundred men: of the sons ofAdin, Obeth the son of Jonathan, and with him two hundred and fifty men:

33. of the sons of Elam, Jesias son of Athaliah. Gotholias, and with him seventy men: