World English Bible

1 Esdras 5:42-51 World English Bible (WEB)

42. Their menservants and handmaids were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven: the minstrels and singers, two hundred forty and five:

43. four hundred thirty and five camels, seven thousand thirty and six horses, two hundred forty and five mules, five thousand five hundred twenty and five beasts of burden.

44. And certain of the chief men of their families, when they came to the temple of God that is in Jerusalem, vowed to set up the house again in its own place according to their ability,

45. and to give into the holy treasury of the works a thousand pounds of gold, five thousand of silver, and a hundred priestly vestments.

46. And the priests and the Levites and they that were of the people lived in Jerusalem and the country; the holy singers also and the porters and all Israel in their villages.

47. But when the seventh month was at hand, and when the children of Israel were every man in his own place, they came all together with one consent into the broad place before the first porch which is toward the east.

48. Then stood up Jesus the son of Josedek, and his brethren the priests, and Zorobabel the son of Salathiel, and his brethren, and made ready the altar of the God of Israel,

49. to offer burned sacrifices upon it, according as it is expressly commanded in the book of Moses the man of God.

50. And certain were gathered to them out of the other nations of the land, and they erected the altar upon its own place, because all the nations of the land were at enmity with them, and oppressed them; and they offered sacrifices according to the time, and burnt offerings to the Lord both morning and evening.

51. Also they held the feast of tabernacles, as it is commanded in the law, and offered sacrifices daily, as was meet: