World English Bible

1 Esdras 5:31-49 World English Bible (WEB)

31. the sons of Jairus, the sons of Daisan, the sons of Noeba, the sons of Chaseba, the sons of Gazera, the sons of Ozias, the sons of Phinoe, the sons of Asara, the sons of Basthai, the sons of Asana, the sons of Maani, the sons of Naphisi, the sons of Acub, the sons of Achipha, the sons of Asur, the sons of Pharakim, the sons of Basaloth,

32. the sons of Meedda, the sons of Cutha, the sons of Charea, the sons of Barchus, the sons of Serar, the sons of Thomei, the sons of Nasi, the sons of Atipha.

33. The sons of the servants of Solomon: the sons of Assaphioth, the sons of Pharida, the sons of Jeeli, the sons of Lozon, the sons of Isdael, the sons of Saphuthi,

34. the sons of Agia, the sons of Phacareth, the sons of Sabie, the sons of Sarothie, the sons of Masias, the sons of Gas, the sons of Addus, the sons of Subas, the sons of Apherra, the sons of Barodis, the sons of Saphat, the sons of Allon.

35. All the temple-servants, and the sons of the servants of Solomon, were three hundred seventy and two.

36. These came up from Thermeleth, and Thelersas, Charaathalan leading them, and Allar;

37. and they could not show their families, nor their stock, how they were of Israel: the sons of Dalan the son of Ban, the sons of Nekodan, six hundred fifty and two.

38. And of the priests, they that usurped the office of the priesthood and were not found: the sons of Obdia, the sons of Akkos, the sons of Jaddus, who married Augia one of the daughters of Zorzelleus, and was called after his name.

39. And when the description of the kindred of these men was sought in the register, and was not found, they were removed from executing the office of the priesthood:

40. for to them said Nehemias and Attharias, that they should not be partakers of the holy things, till there arose up a high priest wearing Urim and Thummim.

41. So all they of Israel, from twelve years old and upward, beside menservants and women servants, were in number forty and two thousand three hundred and sixty.

42. Their menservants and handmaids were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven: the minstrels and singers, two hundred forty and five:

43. four hundred thirty and five camels, seven thousand thirty and six horses, two hundred forty and five mules, five thousand five hundred twenty and five beasts of burden.

44. And certain of the chief men of their families, when they came to the temple of God that is in Jerusalem, vowed to set up the house again in its own place according to their ability,

45. and to give into the holy treasury of the works a thousand pounds of gold, five thousand of silver, and a hundred priestly vestments.

46. And the priests and the Levites and they that were of the people lived in Jerusalem and the country; the holy singers also and the porters and all Israel in their villages.

47. But when the seventh month was at hand, and when the children of Israel were every man in his own place, they came all together with one consent into the broad place before the first porch which is toward the east.

48. Then stood up Jesus the son of Josedek, and his brethren the priests, and Zorobabel the son of Salathiel, and his brethren, and made ready the altar of the God of Israel,

49. to offer burned sacrifices upon it, according as it is expressly commanded in the book of Moses the man of God.