Tree Of Life Version

Psalms 119:41-60 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

41. May Your lovingkindnesses come to me, Adonai— Your salvation according to Your word—

42. so I may answer the one taunting me, for I trust in Your word.

43. Never snatch out of my mouth a word of truth, for I hope in Your judgments.

44. So I may always keep Your Torah, forever and ever,

45. and walk about in freedom. For I have sought Your precepts.

46. I will speak of Your testimonies before kings, and never be ashamed.

47. I delight in Your mitzvot, which I love.

48. I reach out my hands for Your mitzvot, which I love, and meditate on Your decrees.

49. Remember the word to Your servant, on which You have made me hope.

50. My comfort in my affliction is this: Your word has kept me alive.

51. The arrogant have viciously ridiculed me, yet I did not turn away from Your Torah.

52. I remember Your judgments from of old, Adonai, and comfort myself.

53. Burning indignation grips me, because of the wicked who forsake Your Torah.

54. Your decrees have become my songs in the house where I dwell.

55. In the night I remember Your Name, Adonai, and keep watching over Your Torah.

56. This is my own: that I keep Your precepts.

57. Adonai is my portion. I promised to guard Your words.

58. I have entreated Your favor with all my heart. Be gracious to me according to Your word.

59. I have considered my ways and turned my feet back to Your testimonies.

60. I hasten and do not delay to obey Your mitzvot.