Tree Of Life Version

Nehemiah 8:10-18 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

10. So he said to them, “Go! Eat choice food, drink sweet drinks, and send portions to those who have nothing ready. For today is kadosh to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of Adonai is your strength.”

11. Then the Levites quieted all the people, saying, “Hush! For today is kadosh. Do not grieve.”

12. So all the people departed to eat and drink, to send portions and to celebrate with great joy, because they came to understand the words that were explained to them.

13. On the second day, the heads of the families along with the kohanim and the Levites gathered around Ezra to ponder the words of the Torah.

14. They found written in the Torah that Adonai had commanded through Moses that Bnei-Yisrael should dwell in sukkot during the feast of the seventh month.

15. So that they should proclaim and spread this message in all their towns and in Jerusalem saying, “Go out to the hill country and bring olive branches and wild olive branches, myrtle branches, palm branches and branches of other leafy trees to make sukkot, just as it is written.”

16. So the people went out and brought branches, and made sukkot for themselves, each on their own roof, in their courtyards, in the courtyards of the House of God, in the plaza before the Water Gate and in the plaza of the Ephraim Gate.

17. The entire assembly who had returned from the captivity made sukkot and dwelt in the sukkot. Since the days of Joshua the son of Nun until that day Bnei-Yisrael had not done so—and the joy was very great.

18. Day after day from the first day to the last day, he read from the scroll of the Torah of God. So they kept the festival for seven days, and on the eighth day, according to the regulation, there was a solemn assembly.