Tree Of Life Version

Matthew 26:62-69 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

62. The kohen gadol stood up and said to Yeshua, “Have You no answer? What’s this they’re testifying against You?”

63. But Yeshua kept silent. The kohen gadol said to Him, “I charge You under oath by the living God, tell us if You are Mashiach Ben-Elohim!”

64. “As you have said,” replied Yeshua. “Besides that, I tell you, soon after you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

65. Then the kohen gadol tore his clothes and said, “Blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, you’ve heard the blasphemy.

66. What’s your verdict?” “Guilty,” they answered. “He deserves death!”

67. Then they spat in His face and pounded Him with their fists. Others slapped Him and demanded,

68. “Prophesy to us, you Messiah! Which one hit You?”

69. Meanwhile, Peter was sitting in the courtyard. A servant girl came over to him and said, “You also were with Yeshua of the Galilee.”