Tree Of Life Version

John 11:1-9 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

1. Now a man named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Miriam and her sister Martha.

2. This was the same Miriam who anointed the Master with perfume and wiped His feet with her hair. It was her brother Lazarus who was sick.

3. So the sisters sent a word to Yeshua, saying, “Master, the one you love is sick!”

4. When Yeshua heard this, He said, “This sickness will not end in death. It is for God’s glory, so that Ben-Elohim may be glorified through it.”

5. Now Yeshua loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.

6. However, when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was for two more days.

7. Then after this, He said to His disciples, “Let’s go up to Judea again.”

8. “Rabbi,” the disciples say to Him, “just now the Judean leaders were trying to stone You! And You’re going back there again?”

9. Yeshua answered, “Aren’t there twelve hours in the day? If a man walks in the day, he doesn’t stumble, because he sees the light of the world.