Tree Of Life Version

Job 40:20-28 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

20. For the mountains bring him food, and all the wild animals play there.

21. Under the lotus plants he lies down, in the secrecy of the reeds and marsh.

22. The lotuses conceal him in their shade; the willows of the brook surround him.

23. If the river rages, he is not alarmed. He is secure, even though the Jordan surges against his mouth.

24. Can anyone capture it by its eyes, or pierce his nose with hooks?

25. “Can you pull in Leviathan with a hook, or tie down his tongue with a cord?

26. Can you put a reed rope in his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook?

27. Will he make many supplications to you, or speak softly to you?

28. Will he make a covenant with you, so you can take him as a slave forever?