Tree Of Life Version

Isaiah 25:8-11 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

8. He will swallow up death forever. my Lord Adonai will wipe away tears from every face. He will remove His people’s reproach from all the earth. For Adonai has spoken.

9. It will be said in that day: “Behold, this is our God, We waited for Him—He will save us. This is Adonai—we waited for Him. We will rejoice and be glad in His salvation.”

10. For the hand of Adonai will rest on this mountain. Moab will be trampled under Him, as straw is trampled in a manure pile.

11. When he spreads his hands in it as a swimmer spreads his hands to swim, his pride will be brought down low together with the trickery of his hands.