Tree Of Life Version

Genesis 5:19-29 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

19. Jared lived 800 years after he fathered Enoch, and he fathered sons and daughters.

20. So all of Jared’s days were 962 years, and then he died.

21. Enoch lived 65 years, then fathered Methuselah.

22. Now Enoch walked with God continually for 300 years after he fathered Methuselah, and he fathered sons and daughters.

23. So all of Enoch’s days were 365 years.

24. And Enoch continually walked with God—then he was not there, because God took him.

25. Methuselah lived 187 years and fathered Lamech.

26. And Methuselah lived 782 years after he fathered Lamech, and he fathered other sons and daughters.

27. So all of Methuselah’s days were 969 years, and then he died.

28. Lamech lived 182 years and he fathered a son.

29. And he named him Noah saying, “This one will comfort us from our work and from the pain of our hands because of the ground which Adonai cursed.”