Tree Of Life Version

Genesis 28:15-22 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

15. Behold, I am with you, and I will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land, for I will not forsake you until I have done what I promised you.”

16. Jacob woke up from his sleep and said, “Undoubtedly, Adonai is in this place—and I was unaware.”

17. So he was afraid and said, “How fearsome this place is! This is none other than the House of God—this must be the gate of heaven!”

18. Early in the morning Jacob got up and took the stone, which he had placed by his head, and set it up as a memorial stone and poured oil on top of it.

19. He called the name of that place Beth-El (though originally the city’s name was Luz).

20. Then Jacob made a vow saying, “If God will be with me and watch over me on this way that I am going, and provide me food to eat and clothes to wear,

21. and I return in shalom to my father’s house, then Adonai will be my God.

22. So this stone which I set up as a memorial stone will become God’s House, and of everything You provide me I will definitely give a tenth of it to You.”