Tree Of Life Version

Ezekiel 40:32-37 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

32. Then he brought me into the inner court toward the east. He measured it with the same measurements.

33. Its chambers, pillars and porch had the same measurements. There were windows in it and in its surrounding porch. It was 50 cubits long and 25 cubits wide.

34. Its porch was toward the outer court. Palm trees were on its pillars on this side and on that side. Its stairway had eight steps.

35. He brought me to the north gate. He measured it with the same measurements:

36. its chambers, pillars and porch. There were windows in it all around. It was 50 cubits long and 25 cubits wide.

37. Its pillars were toward the outer court. Palm trees were on its pillars, on this side and on that side. Its stairway had eight steps.