Tree Of Life Version

Ezekiel 22:7-17 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

7. Father and mother have been treated with contempt; the outsider has been oppressed in your midst; the orphan and the widow have been mistreated in you.

8. You have despised My holy things and profaned My Shabbatot.

9. Slanderous men are in you in order to shed blood. They have eaten at the mountain shrines; they commit immoral acts in your midst.

10. They have uncovered their fathers’ nakedness in you; they violate women that are in niddah within you.

11. One has been detestable with his neighbor’s wife; another has wickedly defiled his daughter-in-law; yet another has violated his sister, his father’s daughter, in you.

12. They accept bribes in order to shed blood in you; you have taken usurious interest. You have greedily gained by oppressing your neighbors, and you have forgotten Me.” It is a declaration of Adonai.

13. “Now look, I clap My hands at your dishonest gain that you have made and at your bloodshed in your midst.

14. Will your heart’s courage stand or your hands be strong in the days when I deal with you? I, Adonai, have spoken it and will do it.

15. I will scatter you among the nations and disperse you throughout the lands. I will purge your uncleanness from you.

16. You will be defiled in the sight of the nations. Then you will know that I am Adonai.”

17. The word of Adonai came to me saying: