Tree Of Life Version

Exodus 20:15-26 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

15. “Do not steal.

16. “Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

17. “Do not covet your neighbor’s house, your neighbor’s wife, his manservant, his maidservant, his ox, his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.”

18. All the people witnessed the thundering and the lightning, and the sound of the shofar, and the mountain smoking. When the people saw it, they trembled and stood far off.

19. So they said to Moses, “You, speak to us, and we will listen, but do not let God speak to us, or we will die.”

20. So Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid, for God has come to test you, so that His fear may be in you, so that you do not sin.”

21. The people stood far off, while Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was.

22. Then Adonai said to Moses, “Say this to Bnei-Yisrael: You yourselves have seen that I have spoken to you from heaven.

23. Do not make gods of silver alongside Me, and do not make gods of gold for yourselves.

24. You are to make an altar of earth for Me, and there you will sacrifice your burnt offerings, your fellowship offerings—your sheep and your cattle. In every place where I cause My name to be mentioned I will come to you and bless you.

25. When you make for Me an altar of stones, do not build it from cut stone, for if you use a tool on it, you will have profaned it.

26. Nor are you to go up to My altar on steps, so that your nakedness would not be uncovered while on it.”