Tree Of Life Version

2 Kings 12:12-19 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

12. Then they would give the money that was weighed out into the hands of those who did the work, who had been overseeing the House of Adonai—they, in turn, would pay it out to the carpenters and the builders who worked on the House of Adonai,

13. and to the masons and the stonecutters, and for buying timber and cut stone to repair the damage to Adonai’s House, and for all that was laid out for the House to repair it.

14. But there were no silver cups, snuffers, bowls, trumpets, and no vessels of gold or vessels of silver made for the House of Adonai from the money brought to the House of Adonai.

15. For they gave it to those that did the work, and with it they repaired the House of Adonai.

16. They did not check on the men to whom they gave the money to pay the workers, for they dealt faithfully.

17. The money from the guilt offering and money from the sin offering was not brought into the House of Adonai—it was for the kohanim.

18. Then King Hazael of Aram marched and attacked Gath and captured it, and next Hazael set his face to march against Jerusalem.

19. But King Jehoash of Judah took all the sacred objects that his fathers Jehoshaphat, Jehoram and Ahaziah, kings of Judah, had dedicated, and his own sacred objects, and all the gold that was found in the treasuries of the House of Adonai and in the royal palace, and sent them to King Hazael of Aram, so he withdrew from Jerusalem.