Tree Of Life Version

1 Timothy 2:8-15 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

8. So I desire all men to pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without anger and argument.

9. Likewise, women are to adorn themselves in appropriate clothing with modesty and sound judgment—not in seductive hairstyles and gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10. but what is suitable for women claiming godliness, through good deeds.

11. Let a woman receive training in a quiet demeanor with complete respect for order.

12. But I do not allow a woman to train or dictate to a man, but to be in a quiet demeanor.

13. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.

14. Also Adam was not deceived but the woman—being deceived, she fell into transgression.

15. Nevertheless, she will be sustained through childbearing—if they continue in faithfulness and love and holiness, with sound judgment.