Tree Of Life Version

1 Chronicles 9:24-34 Tree Of Life Version (TLV)

24. The gatekeepers were posted on the four sides, toward the east, west, north, and south.

25. Their kinsmen in their villages were to come from time to time and serve with them for seven days.

26. For the four chief gatekeepers, who were Levites, were entrusted over the chambers and over the treasuries in the House of God.

27. They would spend the night around the House of God, because they were assigned to guard it and were in charge of opening it morning by morning.

28. Now some of them had charge of the utensils for avodah, for by count they brought them in and by count they took them out.

29. Some of them were appointed over the equipment and over all the utensils of the sanctuary, as well as over the fine flour, the wine, the oil, the frankincense and the spices.

30. But some of the sons of the kohanim prepared the mixture of spices.

31. Mattithiah, one of the Levites, the firstborn of Shallum the Korahite, was in charge of preparing the flat cakes.

32. Some of the relatives of Kohathites were in charge of preparing the rows of bread every Shabbat.

33. Now these were the singers, patriarchal leaders of the Levites, who stayed in the chambers and were exempt from other service, for they were on duty day and night.

34. These were heads of the Levite families, chiefs in their geneaological records. These lived in Jerusalem.