The Scriptures 1998

Romans 1:1-7 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

1. Sha’ul, a servant of יהושע Messiah, a called emissary, separated to the Good News of Elohim,

2. which He promised before through His prophets in the Set-apart Scriptures,

3. concerning His Son, who came of the seed of Dawiḏ according to the flesh,

4. who was designated Son of Elohim with power, according to the Set-apart Spirit, by the resurrection from the dead: יהושע Messiah, the Master of us,

5. through whom we have received favour and office of the emissary for belief-obedience among all the nations on behalf of His Name,

6. among whom you also are the called ones of יהושע Messiah.

7. To all who are in Rome, beloved of Elohim, called, set-apart ones: Favour to you and peace from Elohim our Father and the Master יהושע Messiah.