The Scriptures 1998

Numbers 4:34-42 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

34. So Mosheh and Aharon and the leaders of the congregation registered the sons of the Qehathites by their clans and by their fathers’ house,

35. from thirty years old and above, even to fifty years old, all who entered the service for work in the Tent of Meeting.

36. And their registered ones, by their clans, were two thousand seven hundred and fifty.

37. These were the registered ones of the clans of the Qehathites, all those serving in the Tent of Meeting, whom Mosheh and Aharon registered according to the command of יהוה by the hand of Mosheh.

38. And those registered ones of the sons of Gĕreshon, by their clans and by their fathers’ house,

39. from thirty years old and above, even to fifty years old, all who entered the service for work in the Tent of Meeting,

40. the registered ones, by their clans, by their fathers’ house, were two thousand six hundred and thirty.

41. These were the registered ones of the clans of the sons of Gĕreshon, of all who serve in the Tent of Meeting, whom Mosheh and Aharon registered according to the command of יהוה.

42. And those of the clans of the sons of Merari who were registered, by their clans, by their fathers’ house,