The Scriptures 1998

Numbers 33:21-35 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

21. And they departed from Liḇnah and camped at Rissah.

22. And they departed from Rissah and camped at Qehĕlathah.

23. And they departed from Qehĕlathah and camped at Mount Shapher.

24. And they departed from Mount Shapher and camped at Ḥaraḏah.

25. And they departed from Ḥaraḏah and camped at Maqhĕloth.

26. And they departed from Maqhĕloth and camped at Taḥath.

27. And they departed from Taḥath and camped at Teraḥ.

28. And they departed from Teraḥ and camped at Mithqah.

29. And they departed from Mithqah and camped at Ḥashmonah.

30. And they departed from Ḥashmonah and camped at Mosĕroth.

31. And they departed from Mosĕroth and camped at Benĕi Ya‛aqan.

32. And they departed from Benĕi Ya‛aqan and camped at Ḥor Haggiḏgaḏ.

33. And they departed from Ḥor Haggiḏgaḏ and camped at Yotḇathah.

34. And they departed from Yotḇathah and camped at Aḇronah.

35. And they departed from Aḇronah and camped at Etsyon Geḇer.