The Scriptures 1998

Numbers 21:30-35 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

30. “Then we shot them – Ḥeshbon has perished as far as Diḇon. And we laid waste as far as Nophaḥ, which reaches to Mĕyḏeḇa.”

31. So Yisra’ĕl dwelt in the land of the Amorites.

32. And Mosheh sent to spy out Ya‛zĕr. And they took its villages and drove out the Amorites who were there,

33. and turned and went up by the way to Bashan. And Og̅ sovereign of Bashan went out against them, he and all his people, to battle at Eḏre‛i.

34. And יהוה said to Mosheh, “Do not fear him, for I have given him into your hand, with all his people and his land. And you shall do to him as you did to Siḥon sovereign of the Amorites, who dwelt at Ḥeshbon.”

35. And they smote him, and his sons, and all his people, until no remnant was left to him. And they took possession of his land.