The Scriptures 1998

Numbers 2:21-28 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

21. And his army with their registered ones: thirty-two thousand two hundred.

22. Then the tribe of Binyamin, and the leader of the children of Binyamin: Aḇiḏan, son of Giḏ‛oni.

23. And his army with their registered ones: thirty-five thousand four hundred.

24. All the registered ones of the camp of Ephrayim, according to their divisions: one hundred and eight thousand one hundred. And they are the third to depart.

25. On the north side: the banner of the camp of Dan, according to their divisions, and the leader of the children of Dan: Aḥi‛ezer, son of Ammishaddai.

26. And his army with their registered ones: sixty-two thousand seven hundred.

27. And those who camp next to him: the tribe of Ashĕr, and the leader of the children of Ashĕr: Pag̅‛i’ĕl, son of Oḵran.

28. And his army with their registered ones: forty-one thousand five hundred.