The Scriptures 1998

Numbers 10:1-12 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

1. And יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying,

2. “Make two silver trumpets for yourself, make them of beaten work. And you shall use them for calling the congregation and for breaking camp.

3. “And when they blow both of them, all the congregation shall meet before you at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

4. “And if they blow one, then the leaders, the heads of the thousands of Yisra’ĕl, shall gather to you.

5. “And when you blow a shout, the camps that lie on the east side shall depart.

6. “And when you blow a shout the second time, then the camps that lie on the south side shall depart – they blow a shout for them to depart.

7. “And when the assembly is to be assembled, you blow, but do not shout.

8. “And the sons of Aharon, the priests, blow with the trumpets. And it shall be to you for a law forever throughout your generations.

9. “And when you go into battle in your land against the enemy that distresses you, then you shall shout with the trumpets, and you shall be remembered before יהוה your Elohim, and you shall be saved from your enemies.

10. “And in the day of your gladness, and in your appointed times, and at the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over your peace offerings. And they shall be a remembrance for you before your Elohim. I am יהוה your Elohim.”

11. And it came to be on the twentieth day of the second month, in the second year, that the cloud was taken up from above the Dwelling Place of the Witness.

12. And the children of Yisra’ĕl departed, setting out from the Wilderness of Sinai. And the cloud dwelt on it in the Wilderness of Paran.