The Scriptures 1998

Nehemiah 12:8-20 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

8. And the Lĕwites: Yĕshua, Binnui, Qaḏmi’ĕl, Shĕrĕḇyah, Yehuḏah, Mattanyah over the thanksgiving, he and his brothers.

9. And Baqbuqyah and Unni, their brothers, were opposite them for guard duties.

10. And Yĕshua brought forth Yoyaqim, and Yoyaqim brought forth Elyashiḇ, and Elyashiḇ brought forth Yoyaḏa,

11. and Yoyaḏa brought forth Yonathan, and Yonathan brought forth Yaddua.

12. And in the days of Yoyaqim, the priests, the heads of the fathers’ houses were: of Serayah, Merayah; of Yirmeyah, Ḥananyah;

13. of Ezra, Meshullam; of Amaryah, Yehoḥanan;

14. of Meliḵu, Yonathan; of Sheḇanyah, Yosĕph;

15. of Ḥarim, Aḏna; of Merayoth, Ḥelqai;

16. of Iddo, Zeḵaryah; of Ginnethon, Meshullam;

17. of Aḇiyah, Ziḵri, son of Minyamin; of Mo‛aḏyah, Piltai;

18. of Bilgah, Shammua; of Shemayah, Yehonathan;

19. of Yoyariḇ, Mattenai; of Yeḏayah, Uzzi;

20. of Sallai, Qallai; of Amoq, Ěḇer;