The Scriptures 1998

Nehemiah 11:30-36 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

30. Zanowaḥ, Aḏullam, and their villages; in Laḵish and its fields; in Azĕqah and its villages. So they dwelt from Be’ĕrsheḇa to the Valley of Hinnom.

31. And the children of Binyamin: from Geḇa, Miḵmash, and Ayyah, and Bĕyth Ěl, and their villages;

32. Anathoth, Noḇ, Ananyah;

33. Ḥatsor, Ramah, Gittayim;

34. Ḥaḏiḏ, Tseḇo‛im, Neḇallat;

35. Loḏ, and Ono, and the Valley of Craftsmen.

36. And of the Lĕwites, the divisions of Yehuḏah were for Binyamin.