The Scriptures 1998

Mark 10:4-17 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

4. And they said, “Mosheh allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce, and to put her away.”

5. And יהושע said to them, “Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this command.

6. “However, from the beginning of the creation, Elohim ‘made them male and female.’

7. ‘For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife,

8. and the two shall become one flesh,’ so that they are no longer two, but one flesh.

9. “Therefore what Elohim has joined together, let man not separate.”

10. And in the house His taught ones asked Him about this again.

11. And He said to them, “Whoever puts away his wife and marries another commits adultery against her.

12. “And if a woman puts away her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

13. And they were bringing little children for Him to touch them, but the taught ones were rebuking those who were bringing them.

14. And when יהושע saw it, He was much displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the reign of Elohim.

15. “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the reign of Elohim as a little child, shall certainly not enter into it.”

16. And taking them up in His arms, laying His hands on them, He blessed them.

17. And as He was setting out on the way, one came running, and knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit everlasting life?”