The Scriptures 1998

Luke 7:17-23 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

17. And this news about Him went out in all Yehuḏah and all the neighbourhood.

18. And the taught ones of Yoḥanan reported to him about all this.

19. And Yoḥanan, calling two of his taught ones near, sent to יהושע, saying, “Are You the Coming One, or should we look for another?”

20. And coming to Him, the men said, “Yoḥanan the Immerser has sent us to You, saying, ‘Are You the Coming One, or should we look for another?’ ”

21. And in the same hour He healed many of diseases, and afflictions, and wicked spirits. And He gave sight to many blind ones.

22. And יהושע answering, said to them, “Go, report to Yoḥanan what you have seen and heard: blind receive sight, lame do walk, lepers are cleansed, deaf do hear, dead are raised, the Good News is brought to the poor.

23. “And blessed is he who shall not stumble in Me.”