The Scriptures 1998

Luke 3:23-34 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

23. And when יהושע Himself began, He was about thirty years of age, being, as reckoned by law, son of Yosĕph, of Ěli,

24. of Mattithyahu, of Lĕwi, of Meleḵi, of Yanah, of Yosĕph,

25. of Mattithyahu, of Amots, of Naḥum, of Ḥesli, of Nog̅ah,

26. of Ma‛ath, of Mattithyahu, of Shim‛i, of Yosĕph, of Yehuḏah,

27. of Yoḥanan, of Rephayah, of Zerubbaḇel, of She’alti’ĕl, of Neri,

28. of Meleḵi, of Addi, of Qosam, of Elmoḏam, of Ěr,

29. of Yehoshua, of Eli‛ezer, of Yorim, of Mattithyahu, of Lĕwi,

30. of Shim‛on, of Yehuḏah, of Yosĕph, of Yonam, of Elyaqim,

31. of Melea, of Menna, of Mattattah, of Nathan, of Dawiḏ,

32. of Yishai, of Oḇĕḏ, of Bo‛az, of Salmon, of Naḥshon,

33. of Amminaḏaḇ, of Ram, of Ḥetsron, of Perets, of Yehuḏah,

34. of Ya‛aqoḇ, of Yitsḥaq, of Aḇraham, of Teraḥ, of Naḥor,