The Scriptures 1998

Luke 22:30-40 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

30. to eat and drink at My table, in My reign, and to sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Yisra’ĕl.”

31. And the Master said, “Shim‛on, Shim‛on! See, Satan has asked for you to sift you as wheat.

32. “But I have prayed for you, that your belief should not fail. And when you have turned, strengthen your brothers.”

33. And he said to Him, “Master, I am prepared to go with You, both to prison and to death.”

34. And He said, “I say to you, Kĕpha, the cock shall not crow at all today until you have denied three times that you know Me.”

35. And He said to them, “When I sent you without purse and bag and sandals, did you lack any?” And they said, “None at all.”

36. And He said to them, “But now, let him who has a purse take it, likewise also a bag. And let him who has no sword sell his garment and buy one.

37. “For I say to you that what has been written has yet to be accomplished in Me, ‘And He was reckoned with lawless ones.’ For that which refers to Me has an end too.”

38. And they said, “Master, look, here are two swords.” But He said to them, “That is enough!”

39. And coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, according to usage, and His taught ones also followed Him.

40. And coming to the place, He said to them, “Pray that you do not enter into trial.”