The Scriptures 1998

Luke 10:23-32 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

23. And turning to His taught ones He said, separately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see,

24. for I say to you that many prophets and sovereigns have wished to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it.”

25. And see, a certain one learned in the Torah stood up, trying Him, and saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit everlasting life?”

26. And He said to him, “What has been written in the Torah? How do you read it?”

27. And he answering, said, “ ‘You shall love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbour as yourself.’ ”

28. And He said to him, “You have answered rightly. Do this and you shall live.”

29. But he, wishing to declare himself righteous, said to יהושע, “And who is my neighbour?”

30. And replying, יהושע said, “A certain man was going down from Yerushalayim to Yeriḥo, and fell among robbers, who, both stripping and beating him, went away, leaving him half dead.

31. “And by a coincidence a certain priest was going down that way. And when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.

32. “And likewise a Lĕwite also, when he came to the place, and seeing, passed by on the other side.