The Scriptures 1998

Job 30:13-26 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

13. They have broken up my path, they gain by my ruin; no one restrains them.

14. They come as through a wide breach; rushing on me under the ruins.

15. Destructions are turned upon me; they pursue my life as the wind, and my welfare has passed like a cloud.

16. And now my life pours itself out; days of affliction seize me.

17. My bones have been pierced in me at night, and my gnawings never lie down.

18. By great exertion is my garment changed – it girds me as the collar of my coat,

19. throwing me into the mud, and I have become like dust and ashes.

20. I cry out to You, but You do not answer me; I stand up, but You only look at me.

21. You have become cruel to me; with the power of Your hand You oppose me.

22. You lift me up to the wind, making me to ride it; and You melt me in a storm.

23. For I have known that You bring me to death, and to the house appointed for all living.

24. Yet does not one in a heap of ruins stretch out his hand, or in calamity cry out for help?

25. Did I not weep for him who was in trouble? Was my being not grieved for the poor?

26. When I looked for good, then evil came to me. And when I waited for light, darkness came.