The Scriptures 1998

Job 20:14-20 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

14. his food is turned in his stomach, the bitterness of cobras is in him.

15. He has swallowed down riches, then vomits them up – Ěl drives it out of his stomach.

16. He sucks the poison of cobras; the tongue of the poisonous snake slays him.

17. He looks not on streams, the rivers flowing with honey and cream.

18. He is giving back what he laboured for, and does not eat it – like wealth from his trade, but he does not enjoy.

19. For he has oppressed, he has forsaken the poor, he has seized a house which he did not build.

20. For he shall not know ease in his innermost, neither save what he desires.