The Scriptures 1998

Job 13:9-22 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

9. Would it be well when He searches you out? Or could you deceive Him as one deceives a man?

10. He would certainly reprove you if you secretly show partiality.

11. Should not His excellence make you afraid, and the dread of Him fall upon you?

12. Your weighty sayings are proverbs of ashes, your shields are shields of clay.

13. Be silent before me, and let me speak, and let whatever come upon me!

14. Why do I take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in my hands?

15. Though, He does slay me – I wait! But I show my ways to be right before Him.

16. He also is my deliverance, for a defiled one does not come before Him.

17. Listen closely to my words, and with your ears to what I say.

18. Look, please, I have prepared my case, I know that I am in the right.

19. Who is he who would strive with me? For then I would keep silent and die.

20. Only two matters do not do to me, then I am not hidden from Your face:

21. Withdraw Your hand far from me, and let not dread of You make me afraid.

22. Then call, and let me answer; or let me speak, and You reply to me.