The Scriptures 1998

Isaiah 5:8-27 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

8. Woe to those who join house to house, who add field to field, until there is no room, and you are made to dwell alone in the midst of the land!

9. In my hearing יהוה of hosts said, “Truly, many houses shall be a waste – big and fine ones, without inhabitant.

10. “For ten acres of vineyard yield one bath, and a ḥomer of seed yields one ĕphah.”

11. Woe to those who rise early in the morning pursuing strong drink, who stay up late at night – wine inflames them!

12. And the lyre and the harp, the tambourine and flute, and wine are in their feasts; but they do not regard the deeds of יהוה, nor see the work of His hands.

13. Therefore my people have gone into exile, because they have no knowledge. And their esteemed men are starved, and their crowd dried up with thirst.

14. Therefore the grave has made itself wide and opened its mouth beyond measure. Their splendour and their crowd and their uproar, and he who is exulting within her, shall go down into it.

15. And man is bowed down, and mortal man humbled, and the eyes of the proud are humbled.

16. But יהוה of hosts is exalted in judgment, and the set-apart Ěl is set-apart in righteousness.

17. And the lambs shall feed in their pasture, and strangers shall eat in the waste places of the fat ones.

18. Woe to those who draw crookedness with cords of falsehood, and sin as with wagon ropes,

19. who are saying, “Let Him hurry! Let Him hasten His work, so that we see it! And let the counsel of the Set-apart One of Yisra’ĕl draw near and come, so that we know.”

20. Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight!

22. Woe to the mighty to drink wine, and brave men to mix strong drink,

23. who declare right the wrong for a bribe, and the righteousness of the righteous they turn aside from him!

24. Therefore, as a tongue of fire devours the stubble, and the flame consumes the chaff, their root is as rottenness, and their blossom goes up like dust – because they have rejected the Torah of יהוה of hosts, and despised the Word of the Set-apart One of Yisra’ĕl.

25. Therefore the displeasure of יהוה has burned against His people, and He stretches out His hand against them and smites them, and the mountains tremble. And their carcass is as filth in the middle of the streets. With all this His displeasure has not turned back, and His hand is still stretched out!

26. And He shall lift up a banner to the nations from afar, and shall whistle to them from the end of the earth. And see, they come with speed, swiftly!

27. Not one of them is weary or stumbling, not one slumbers or sleeps. Not a belt shall be loosened on their loins, nor the thong of their sandals be broken.