The Scriptures 1998

Isaiah 15:1-7 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

1. The message concerning Mo’aḇ. Because in the night Ar of Mo’aḇ was laid waste, was silenced! Because in the night Qir of Mo’aḇ was laid waste, was silenced!

2. He has gone up to the house and Diḇon, to the high places to weep. Mo’aḇ is wailing over Neḇo and over Mĕyḏeḇa; on all their heads is baldness, and every beard is cut off.

3. In their streets they shall put on sackcloth; on the tops of their houses and in their streets everyone wails, weeping bitterly.

4. And Ḥeshbon and El‛alĕh cry out, their voice shall be heard as far as Yahats. Therefore the armed ones of Mo’aḇ shout; his being shall tremble within him.

5. My own heart is toward Mo’aḇ; her fugitives cry unto Tso‛ar, like a three-year-old heifer. For by the ascent of Luḥith they go up with weeping; for in the way of Ḥoronayim they raise a cry of destruction.

6. For the waters of Nimrim are wastes, for the green grass has withered away; the grass fails, there is no greenness.

7. Therefore the wealth, acquired and stored up, they take away to the wadi of the Willows.