The Scriptures 1998

Isaiah 14:16-21 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

16. “Those who see you stare at you, and ponder over you, saying, ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook reigns,

17. who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed its cities, who would not open the house of his prisoners?’

18. “All the sovereigns of the gentiles, all of them, were laid in esteem, everyone in his own house;

19. but you have been thrown from your grave like an abominable branch, like the garment of those who are slain, thrust through with a sword, who go down to the stones of the pit, like a trampled corpse.

20. “You are not joined with them in burial, for you have destroyed your land and slain your people. Let the seed of evil-doers never be mentioned.

21. “Prepare his children for slaughter, because of the crookedness of their fathers, lest they rise up and possess the land, and fill the face of the world with cities.”