The Scriptures 1998

Galatians 1:10-16 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

10. For do I now persuade men, or Elohim? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I should not be a servant of Messiah.

11. And I make known to you, brothers, that the Good News announced by me is not according to man.

12. For I did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but through a revelation of יהושע Messiah.

13. For you have heard of my former way of life in Yehuḏaism, how intensely I persecuted the assembly of Elohim, and ravaged it.

14. And I progressed in Yehuḏaism beyond many of my age in my race, being more exceedingly ardent for the traditions of my fathers.

15. But when it pleased Elohim, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me by His favour,

16. to reveal His Son in me, that I might bring Him, the Good News, to the gentiles, I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood,