The Scriptures 1998

Ezra 10:28-43 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

28. and of the sons of Bĕḇai: Yehoḥanan, Ḥananyah, Zabbai, and Athlai;

29. and of the sons of Bani: Meshullam, Malluḵ, and Aḏayah, Yashuḇ, and She’al, Ramoth;

30. and of the sons of Paḥath-Mo’aḇ: Aḏna, and Kelal, Benayah, Ma‛asĕyah, Mattanyah, Betsal’ĕl, and Binnui, and Menashsheh;

31. and of the sons of Ḥarim: Eli‛ezer, Yishshiyah, Malkiyah, Shemayah, Shim‛on,

32. Binyamin, Malluḵ, and Shemaryah;

33. of the sons of Ḥashum: Mattenai, Mattattah, Zaḇaḏ, Eliphelet, Yerĕmai, Menashsheh, and Shim‛i;

34. of the sons of Bani: Ma‛aḏai, Amram, and U’ĕl,

35. Benayah, Bĕḏeyah, Keluhu,

36. Wanyah, Merĕmoth, Elyashiḇ,

37. Mattanyah, Mattenai, and Ya‛asu,

38. and Bani, and Binnui, Shim‛i,

39. and Shelemyah, and Nathan, and Aḏayah,

40. Maḵnaḏeḇai, Shashai, Sharai,

41. Azar’ĕl, and Shelemyahu, Shemaryah,

42. Shallum, Amaryah, and Yosĕph;

43. of the sons of Neḇo: Ye‛i’ĕl, Mattithyah, Zaḇaḏ, Zeḇina, Yaddu, and Yo’ĕl, Benayah.