The Scriptures 1998

Esther 8:5-17 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

5. and said, “If it pleases the sovereign, and if I have found favour in his sight and the matter is right before the sovereign and I am pleasing in his eyes, let it be written to bring back the letters, the plot by Haman, son of Hammeḏatha the Ag̅ag̅ite, which he wrote to destroy the Yehuḏim who are in all the sovereign’s provinces.

6. “For how could I bear to see the evil coming to my people? Or how could I bear to see the destruction of my relatives?”

7. And Sovereign Aḥashwĕrosh said to Sovereigness Estĕr and Mordeḵai the Yehuḏite, “Look, I have given Estĕr the house of Haman, and they have impaled him on the stake because he laid his hand on the Yehuḏim.

8. “Now you write on behalf of the Yehuḏim, as it pleases you, in the sovereign’s name, and seal it with the sovereign’s signet ring. For a letter which is written in the sovereign’s name and sealed with the sovereign’s signet ring no one turns back.”

9. So the sovereign’s scribes were called at that time, in the third month, which is the month of Siwan, on the twenty-third day. And it was written, according to all that Mordeḵai commanded to the Yehuḏim, and to the viceroys, and the governors, and the princes of the provinces from India to Kush, a hundred and twenty-seven provinces, to every province in its own writing, to every people in their own language, and to the Yehuḏim in their own writing, and in their own language.

10. And he wrote in the name of Sovereign Aḥashwĕrosh, and sealed it with the sovereign’s signet ring, and sent letters by runners on horseback, riding on royal horses bred from speedy mares:

11. That the sovereign has granted to the Yehuḏim who were in every city to be assembled and stand for their lives – to cut off, to slay, and to destroy all the power of the people or province that would distress them, little children and women, and to plunder their possessions,

12. on one day in all the provinces of Sovereign Aḥashwĕrosh, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Aḏar.

13. The copy of the writing to be made law in every province was announced to all the peoples, so that the Yehuḏim would be ready on that day to be avenged on their enemies.

14. The runners, riding on royal horses, went out, hastened and pressed on by the sovereign’s command. And the decree was given out in the citadel of Shushan.

15. And Mordeḵai went out from the presence of the sovereign wearing royal garments of blue and white, with a great crown of gold and a garment of fine linen and purple. And the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad.

16. For the Yehuḏim there was light and gladness and joy and value.

17. And in every province and in every city where the sovereign’s command and decree came, the Yehuḏim had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many of the people of the land were becoming Yehuḏim, for the fear of the Yehuḏim had fallen upon them.